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  We invite you to enhance your club experience by participating in running club events. Members are always needed on our various committees. It is a great way to meet people and share your talents. For the 2024-25 season there are opportunities to participate and give-back to the the club!

Social Committee: Host a happy hour. Lead a hike. Plan a dinner/dance.. Suggest an activity you think the membership would enjoy!

Ski Committee: Co-Lead a weekend ski trip. Record meeting minutes. Review vendor contracts.

Ski Trip Leaders: be part of the success that is at the heart of the club. Ski Trips!   Download Trip Lead Application

Membership: Manage Membership Process, Resolve Issues as they arise.  Recruit new members.  Distribute club brochures at events.

Auditors: Two members needed to review financial records. (Does not require CPA.)

Don’t be shy!   Give it a try!   

If you are interested in any Volunteer position, please contact the SJ Ski Club President - or the committee leader of interest.

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